Saturday, January 12, 2008

Learning to Write

Olivia has learned to sound out words and they encourage them to spell them right now the way they hear them. Here is a day in the life of Olivia at school, wrote thru a 5 yr. old:

Muv your clospin
Put your clam to the loch menyou and put your blloc.
Then put fldr in the holdr.
Yus the resroom
do summr roting and then luch tom.
Then reses for olof
The cis then go inn the bilding and rot sommor. Then go hom.
Love Mis Olivia Nagle

Let me translate:
Move your clothespin(to here or absent)
put your clam to the lunch menu and put your block.
Then put folder in the holder.
Use the restroom.
do some more writing and then lunch time.
Then recess for ?.
The ? then go in the building and write some more. Then go home!

I thought it was pretty cool, she wrote that one night after school and showed it to me and when I couldn't read a word(didn't want to discourage her that I couldn't read it) she would tell me to sound it out! Yeah mom, get it together.

So much for Logan sleeping during the night. He has one or two days since I wrote it last, but other wise he's up. But he has begun a very nice routine during the day and evening. So we will take baby steps and continue to go forward. Does anybody realize at the end of this month, I will have been getting up for 4 months with this child during the night!! Isn't there some kind of award you get for that! Maybe it's the first night's good sleep you get. He has found his arms and hands. He will stretch them out in front of him and look at them, it's so funny. He's like, oh, you are the "things" that I've been playing with". He also wants to reach for stuff and of course he's "off target" when he tries, but trying is good. He loves watching the dogs and sister is still pretty interesting.

Me and Rich are still living. He's on my last nerve. He had a class to take today for work, so I'm starting to like him again! LOL That's what it's like when you spend day and night together! I wonder if he's going to drive me this nuts when he is able to retire? You know how you have a way of doing things and they do it and it's not close to being the same. I am a very routine person, my kids live on routine, that is how I function, Rich has no routine and likes to squash mine when he is home and it messes me up for the whole day!! I'm so routine, I'm like a robot. Hopefully one more month and he will have work again. I'm sure I am getting on his last nerve also!!

Logan loves watching the animals on his swing!

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