Sunday, November 23, 2008

Short Week

It's hard to believe that Thanksgiving is almost here. Seems like almost yesterday, the days were longer and the weather was warmer. Olivia only has school two days this week and then she's off until Monday. No, the first day of buck is not a holiday here! (all you Pa. kids have Monday off to shoot deer!) I have been shopping bargains, looking for more bargains, and figuring out more ways to save money. Rich's work usually ends for the winter right about Dec., so we have to button down the hatches and pray for a short winter! But I've learned through so many of these, what to prepare for, so I've gotten a bit wiser over the years. I am almost done xmas shopping for the kids, xmas cards are just sitting in cyber space waiting to be sent to the store to be made (I think you all will be impressed with the pic this year!), so now it's time to stock up on food and cut the spending.

I have a wonderful website that I use and if anybody would want to try it, it cuts your grocery store bill down so much, you won't believe it. I wish i had more time to spend on it (and money), but I am also looking into some articles they are printing in the paper here about other stores and how to get things cheap and free. I will keep you posted when I figure the whole deal out! On the site i use now, which is well worth the money I pay every two months, they have finally posted Walmart! This excites me b/c it was always the local grocery stores and it was hard to figure out walmart pricing compared to them, now you can see if walmart is really giving you a deal or not!! This made my whole weekend. Speaking of Walmart, their black Friday ad got leaked out and is now on

On the home front, Olivia is still loving the snow, good thing I finally got her snow boots! She's anxious about going to Pa. for Thanksgiving(weather permitting). Logan is just into everything I own! He won't leave nothing alone! Please Santa, bring him some new toys to play with!!! I even had to take my plastic strip off the corner wall cause he kept snapping it! Yikes, Olivia didn't get into stuff that much................

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