Wednesday, October 8, 2008

We Are Almost Clean

Ok, so we are about all clean here, every room, every shelf, blind etc. You can definitely tell i missed spring cleaning. I wanted to "simplify" the house and make it easier to clean and keep up with. Mission, accomplished.

I think we are getting in to Fall mode around here. I want to go and pick apples yet, but Rich has been working so much, we haven't had the chance. I promised Olivia we would decorate for fall/Halloween on Sunday. She has not been feeling well lately, and has been kind of crabby, I don't if it's allergies or what is going on. She is feeling well enough yet to think of questions that her mother either cannot answer or she doesn't understand what I'm telling her and therefore I don't know what she is trying to ask me. This one goes a little like this: "So mom, where is the end of the sky?" I tried, i really did to explain to her that the sky really doesn't end and she would not consider it, because, "It has to end somewhere, mom" and therefore I become, the mother who doesn't have all the answers and doesn't have a clue. I just simply (after a lengthy discussion, told her I have never been to where it ends.............

Totally up to mischief. This is how he crawls!!

Oops, sideways!

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